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"I'm here to..." stammered Thunderstorm. "To what?" urged Queen Shadow her tail wrapping neatly around her paws. All of a Dark Kingdom waited anxiously for an answer. "I've come here to tell you I will join Dark Kingdom again." "What?" shrieked Soul before anyone else could speak. "Why?" His eyes looked at her pleadingly. "This is a joke right?" Queen Shadow laughed. "Why would she joke about that?" Soul's eyes filled with fustration. "I wasn't talking to you!" he snapped. "It's true." whispered Thunderstorm loud enough so that Soul could hear. She saw the reflection of her eyes bounce off of Soul's; they looked dull and worn down. "Thunderstorm..." Soul woofed and his head dropped. "Why?" Thunderstorm didn't reply and stopped herself from crying. "Come Thunderstorm. Dark Kingdom has work to do." barked Queen Shadow. Soul just stared at her in disbelief. "This can't be happening." he woofed. "Thunderstorm please! Is this really where you want to be?" "That's enough out of you Soul!" growled Queen Shadow before Thunderstorm had the chance to speak. "Good day." Soul turned around and didn't say a word. His sadness overwhelmed Thunderstorm but she stopped herself from speaking. If only she had told him what was happening earlier. He would've understood. Thunderstorm knew that now their friendship was over. And there was nothing she could do. 

"And stay out!" snarled Omen as she chased Wing out of their territory with the rest of her wolves behind her. Thunderstorm sighed and didn't even look up from the ground. "Thunderstorm cheer up won't ya?" barked Wind-Flight. "Yeah." snarled Demon. "You ruin everything for everyone." Thunderstorm stopped herself from attacking her brother. "Evev though you joined Dark Kingdom again, everyone knows why so don't think we don't know why." he snapped pushing past her. "Where to next?" "I guess just back to Queen Shadow to report Wing on our territory again."

"And King Shine says we're always spying on him." she exclaimed. "What shall we do now Queen Shadow?" asked Wind-Heart. "Well, there's nothing else you must do. I'm not quite done planning some heists so I guess you could take a little break till the sun sets." Thunderstorm padded away with out a clue where she was going. She shivered as she realized at how well she remembered Dark Kingdom's territory from when she was a pup. The familiar scents and surroundings seemed to have never changed over the years at all. She sat beside a neon blue, glowing mushroom that was taller than her. The sun had started to set by the time their break had started but now the sunset was filled with grey clouds in the sky and dark shadows appeared below the trees. A breeze stired Thunderstorm's pelt as lightning crackled in the distance. "This is it." she woofed to herself. "My destiny has been decided for me. There's nothing I can do to change it now..." She sighed. All of a sudden a grey blur caught her eye. "Soul?" she woofed looking down into Light Kingdom's territory. She watched him in grief as he picked leaves off the ground and put them in the river. He sat down beside the river that faced Dark Kingdom's territory. Thunderstorm's muscles tensed and she felt her breath shorten as Soul noticed her. Both wolves looked at each other for a long time without moving. Thunderstorm felt their memories pushing back into her brain. She contined to look at Soul as her eyes blurred with tears of sorrow. Soul didn't move a muscle. I have to stop looking, she thought. If I keep looking I'm just going to grow weaker with defeat. Finally Thunderstorm managed to force her eyes to look at the ground. As the twinkling stars finally caught up to the darkening sky, Thunderstorm nor Soul had moved. Thunderstorm dared herself to look up at the stars. She got up and took a big gulp of air before she put her face up to the moon. Thunderstorm howled in the darkness of the night. Her howl filled the air with sadness, guilt and dispair. Another voice joined in with her. Soul howled at the moon with Thunderstorm for the first time. This is the first time since I first became a loner that I've howled at the moon, she thought. But last time a howled because I was free...  Thunderstorm stopped howling but Soul continued on and for the first time she could feel his soul; it was hurt, confused, sad, fustrated. Thunderstorm gasped at how many emotions she could feel from Soul. All of a sudden Soul stopped. Soul's feelings vanished into thin air as if a bird had snatched them away. Thunderstorm curled up into a ball and her eyes started to close. She rested her head against a mushroom before she drifted off. 

Whispers filled the air as dawn approached. Thunderstorm's ears twitched but she kept her eyes closed. All of a sudden the whispers got louder and louder. "What?" snapped Thunderstorm opening her eyes; nobody was there. She looked around in confusion. I swear I heard voices, she thought to herself. Thunderstorm shook her head; "It was probably in my dream." she said to herself. She looked down the mountain to Light Kingdom's territory; Soul was lying there fast asleep. A howl sounded in the distance; it was Queen Shadow. Thunderstorm shook her pelt and stretched in the faded sunlight. Her sword rattled on her back as it's sharp blade glistening in the morning sun. Thunderstorm repositioned her glasses before racing up the hill to Dark Kingdom's meeting spot. 

"Finally made it I see." commented Queen Shadow as she finally arrived. "Now that everyone is here, we will be battle training." All the wolves howled in agreement. "I've been waiting for this for a while." cackled Night showing off his studded collar in the sun. "This'll be fun for sure." Queen Shadow glared at him as in to be quiet. "Anyway, you will each be taking on a partner of your choice but you must fight in different areas and I will come around to see how each of you are doing." "Are you allowed to use our weapons and armor?" asked Moon. "With out them it wouldn't be as interesting now would it?" replied Queen Shadow a hint of amusement showing in her eyes and voice.  Moon smiled in saticfaction. "Ok go on your way now with your opponent." finished Queen Shadow. Eyes pierced into Thunderstorm's fur. The she-wolf shivered as she turned around. "You're my partner Thunderstorm. I hope you're ready to be defeated." snarled Demon. "I will hold nothing back against a traitor." "Neither will I. Even though I was a loner doesn't mean I don't practice my fighting skills as much as you do." Demon smirked. "We'll see about that."

"I hope you're ready." he snarled. "This isn't the first time I've killed a traitor." Thunderstorm bared her teeth as she put her glasses on the ground. She grabbed her sword from under her leather strap. She was ready to battle her brother. Demon bolted forward but Thunderstorm knew this move way too well and dodged it easily. She aimed the back of her sword at his shoulder and attacked. A shallow wound appeared on his shoulder and tiny velvet red droplets dropped onto the ground and formed a tiny puddle. Demon staggered to regain some of his lost strength but his eyes looked full of energy and burned into Thunderstorm's fur. Thunderstorm shook the feeling away and aimed for his leg to unstable him. Demon nipped her nose before she even had the chance to position herself for the next blow. 

Lightning Wavelength

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